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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NEW SEGMENT: Joe the Plumber Watch

Ladies and Gentlemen, today we unveil the latest and greatest from the BOOSH Research and Development Labs. THE JOE THE PLUMBER WATCH. If you remember back to the early days of the Boosh International, we posted an editorial about Joe and his forays into Politics and Sociology. Well, we have noticed that slowly, and undercurrent of Joe The Plumber references in the news has risen in the past few months. Alarmed that this could jeopardize your rights as Americans and the very fabric of this nation we love, we at the Boosh have decided to create a watch center....staffed with dozens of the nations top analysts and political strategists, we will work in 24 hour 7 day a week shifts to bring you the most up-to-date reporting on the activities of Joe The Plumber so you and your children can rest easy. The steadfast dedication of The Boosh International will keep you in the know and safe from all harm. Look for our first reports soon!

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