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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What Grinds My Gears?

Illegal Mexican Immigrants who cant speak English but make you throw out your cup of coffee.......

Let me start off by clarifying that I have no problem with our neighbors to the south, despite the influx of violence and kidnapping in the US Southwest due to the the raging Mexican drug war, the swine flu, the economic burden and social restructuring caused by such a large number of non-English-speaking illegals, I tend to like Mexico....They gave us the nacho, the cheesy gortida crunch, teKILLya, and of course Dos Equis (favorite beer of the most interesting man in the world). I am a very tolerant person.....ok, I lied, those who know me that I am probably the antithesis of tolerant...but again I reiterate, I have a lot of Mexican friends, ok some Mexican friends.......I know a person who has visited there and has family that originated there....ok...anyways...

So the other day the lady and I went to the mall to kill time while my truck was getting a tune up, we did the usual couple at the mall thing, got gellato, perused some stores, and got coffee....It was a rainy and chilly day so a nice hot cup of coffee was just what the doctor ordered....So after getting my beverage the lady went to forever 21 and I went to the cigar store to browse around....It was about that time that my phone rang (and I rocked out to the theme song of the classic show 'Shaft' before answering) As expected it was the auto shop telling me that my car was ready but failed inspection...boosh on me :-/ annoyed I walked upstairs to the forever 21 to get the girl and go....Now a vital piece of information here is that her cell phone was dead.....and she is a woman in a clothing store so I had to physically go in a remove her....As I approached the entrance to the store I felt comforted by the fact that my coffee was reaching that perfect temperature where I no longer have to prepare for the sting of boiling coffee, but could feel it warm me on the way friends, it doesnt get any better than that.....and it was at that moment it happened....This little Mexican employee of the store was standing in the front and said entrada el storo....Excuse me? I just need to tell my....NON Usted no puede traer eso aqui sir....WTF????? So here I am....needed to get my truck and waving for the girlfriend...desperate as she looks in my direction and then back to the shirt she wants.....

Lets take it back for a moment....When we got back from our trip to Barbados (another EFFING COUNTRY) we landed in Miami...and the woman at the sandwich shop couldn't understand what i wanted to eat.....welcome home Chai T.....then...last week we went to California Tortilla for dinner, and when I asked for a lid for my gf's salad...the woman had to get the manager because she didnt know what I wanted....A LID....YO QIERO EFFING LID B*%&$ (I swear to God if you correct my Spanish spelling I will hunt you down and beat you)

So back to the mall.....I begrudgingly throw out my coffee....get my girlfriend who of course was "just on her way out" and go pay greens for the truck.....I would totally move to Mexico and speak English til the cows came home to get them back but I would die within days with all the crap going on a solution? I have none....I am too upset to gears are sufficiently ground friends......

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