Your source for all things Shocking, Hilarious, Extreme and Full of Gore!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Should we stick around?

I'm gunna cut right to the chase...viewership is way down. We want to do what's best, a "Win-Win-Win" if you will. Tell us what will keep you reading by taking our poll (to the left). If it's time to put the Boosh down Ol' Yeller style, then that's what we'll do. I only hope, for the good of mankind, that there are people out there who want more Velociraptors, Zombies and Snarky, angst-filled commentary.

The best you can do, if you still enjoy the Boosh, HARRASS PEOPLE! Send Boosh Bombs on facebook, send links to your friends, use Twitter (if you're into that). "" is only 38 characters. That leaves you 122 characters to tell the world that you're eating a sandwich, or whatever mundaine nonsense you usually tweet about...spice it up with some Booshery!

Something you wanna see again, or something you want dead?

Give us a piece of your mind: