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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Christmas Lights...

Things I understand:
How beer is made, how a computer works, how to program a VCR to stop blinking "12:00."

Things I DON'T understand: Why people listen to Nickelback, how Sprite is a valid replacement for Mountain Dew, and WHY THE HELL SO MANY PEOPLE IN MY APARTMENT COMPLEX HAVE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS UP!

True Story, There are between 10 and 15 apartments with Christmas lights and I just don't get it. There is one guy who has festive fall shit on his porch, you know, scarecrows, pumpkins, all season-appropriate decor. There is one balcony adorned with orange and purple lights, obviously Halloween-related. The rest, Christmas, no doubt about it (and a few Hanukkah). One even has a huge white star!

What baffles me the most is that there are so many! Either everyone saw Fall Guy and wanted to have lights too, or there is just some crazy, perhaps ethnic, holiday that involves lights that I don't know about. I'm gunna go with, I live with a bunch of idiots!!!

1 comment:

  1. (Disclaimer: Ive only listened to Nicklebacks "All the Right Reasons" Album)

    As it turns out, most of Nickleback's tunes on the radio are of the "made for radio" variety and "radio-friendly" is always synonymous with "shit". Some of their stuff is actually fairly entertaining. Give the songs 'Animals', 'Fight For All The Wrong Reasons' and 'Next Contestant' a listen. (Don't expect musical masterpieces, but they are at least in the listenable-to-enjoyable range)

    As for the lights, I'm willing to bet its what I like to call "Lazy competition". Some one saw Fall Guy's decorations, and decided they didn't want to get one upped... but got lazy a quarter the way through. Others saw Lazy Guy's "decorations", and figured "Hell, even I can do that!" and did.
