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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Verizon BOOSH

I want to give a pre-emptive STFU to all the iPhone fanboys (and girls) who are programmed to whine whenever someone says or does anything that contradicts Steve Jobs in any way, shape or form. Verizon gets a major BOOSH for this commercial.

Here at the Boosh, we don't like beating around the bush. Why subtly hint that your product is better, when you can flat out say it WITH visual aids and, even better, by using AT&T/Apple's own ad campaign against them. PURE. GENIUS. Enjoy!


  1. This is absolutely hilarious! Is that a real commercial that would be on TV or did someone just make that as a spoof type thing? The map was striking though. Maybe we should have sacraficed the "apps" for the "maps" lol.

  2. Oh, its real alright. I just saw it on TV last night and lulzed pretty hard after it.

  3. AT&T fights back! lol
