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Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Boosh Hall of Fame: David Caruso

Keep it fresh? Keep it new? How about keepin' it Caruso! He knows what works, and does it...chronically. He's comparable to the autistic child who can tell you how many words you can make out of your last name, but doesn't know what any of them mean. I am, of course, referring to the immortal, and coveted, "Sunglasses + One-Liner". This revolutionary combo is one for the history books. There is no lead in that goes missed.

Dead body on the roof: "It seems ten stories ::takes off sunglasses:: just wasn't enough for this building"

Dead hooker covered in bees: "I'm going to investigate the brothel on 9th ::puts on sunglasses:: see what all the buzz is about"

Not giving fair warning when getting a blow job: "How's that taste ::puts on sunglasses:: Bitch"

The SGOL can only be done by someone who has 0% self doubt, 100% balls, and doesn't care where his sunglasses are, as long as they aren't where they just were. START - GLASSES - PUNCHLINE - OUT! David Caruso, we salute you!

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