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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Survival++: Zombie Apocalypse

I knew a man who once said "The hardest part of the Zombie Apocalypse will be pretending Im not looking forward to it."

The guy was a total wanker who has contributed about as much to the human race as a braindead cockroach. But lets give credit where credit is due: Truer words were never spoken. I don't care who you are, where yer from, or what socio/political status you fall into, if theres not at least a small, unspoken of part of yer psyche that longs for the Zombie apocalypse, you sir or madame, will not survive it and are therefore so much fodder for my sawed off twelve gauge.

Lets be completely honest with each other here people: If there are any cons to living out the remainder of my days as a leather armor-clad badass roaming the highways of the good ol US of A with a band of other badasses in a convoy of stripped down assault vehicles, laying the smackdown on hordes of undead while repopulating the earth with genetically superior (because lets face it, we survived the effing zombie apocalypse) offspring, I have yet to think of them. And I challenge anyone to present me with a reasonable negative that I couldn't debunk.

And heres a dose of reality. Nuclear war. Stem cell research. And Voodoo. Its only a matter of time before the Zombie apocalypse is upon us. I for one, cannot wait.

Unless of course, we're talking Romeroized Zombies. In which case, we're all totally F-d.

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