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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Boosh Hall of Fame: Nikola Tesla

Here at The Boosh, we have many heros such as George Washington, Tyler Durden, the guy who invented Pilates. My true hero, however, is history's TRUE mad scientist and rogue engineer, Nikola Tesla. Many of you will of course say "Who?", but it's not your fault! Just like Christopher Columbus' sadistic Native American Slaughter-fest, American schools don't teach about Tesla, but you may know his arch nemesis, Thomas Edison.

Edison's Bio: Built some stuff, made a lightbulb, was an arrogant bastard.

Tesla's Bio: Build some BADASS stuff, tried to sell a DEATHRAY to the US Military, was also an arrogant bastard...but with a slight bit of instability.

I can go on for hours about this insane genius, but for the sake of time, I'll boil it down to bullets:

  • Although Edison invented the bulb, tesla's invention of AC power gives energy to every light bulb you have ever seen

  • Magnetic Flux Density is measured in Teslas. Nothing is measured in Edisons, except maybe receiving boring patents.

  • The Tesla Coil is the single most awesomely distructive DIY project of all time.

Small Tesla Coil

  • Would have been the world's first BILLIONAIRE...but he thought that power should be free for everyone

  • Pioneered the concept of: Radio (invented the first one), Wireless Power (that scene from The Prestige with the lightbulbs in the ground was true), Wireless Communication (built a cell phone tower in 1915) and Radar.

Also, incase I didn't mention...

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