Your source for all things Shocking, Hilarious, Extreme and Full of Gore!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Really? I'm the one whos gonna have to say it....

Ok so the Boosh International may have taken a bit of a holiday recently, a small break if you will....

Alright I'll be honest, the boosh has been hemorrhaging feeding tube, artificial heart, and iron lung type trouble...After having talked to the other 2 authors I've decided without their consent to committ to re-opening the Boosh International to all our once-loyal-now-probably-annoyed-and-moved-on-in-their-lives-because-christ-if-this-blog-is-all-I-look-forward-too-then-i-need-professional-help fans. I will resume regular writing and posting of all of our old favorite subjects and bring back the noise and funk and such...So to the old now dead Boosh a hearty requiem en terra pax for you and a hello the the new offspring.....

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