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Monday, September 14, 2009

Signs of Teabagging

The 1st ammendment, has been raped more than a choir boy. Self-entitlement is raging as the half-baked picket signs fly around while a bunch of under-educated drones whine right below them. This is obviously about the Health Care Bill rally in DC this past weekend, but not about the nonsense that ensued, but the SIGNS! People can bitch about whatever they want, whenever they want...that's why we still have Labor Unions. When you hoist those picket signs in the air...think about what they say!

"Obama is a Nazi" - ...because Hitler's healthcare plan was ALSO government regulated. By that logic, Obama is also a Roman because both him and Marcus Aurelius supported free speech and a Bicameral Government. The funny thing is that if Obama signed a bill that relocated all Jews in America to Maine...none of the Teabaggers would be able to make that connection back to Hitler.

I'm gunna cut to the one that really pissed me off...

"Jesus is the Messiah, not Obama." - WTF?!?!? I always mocked the SAT Exam for those stupid analogies, but it seems they were responsible for keeping these fools out of college!! What did JESUS have to do with HEALTHCARE POLICY? Do the teabaggers want Obama to fund churches for faith healings? Are they upset about Obama's utter neglegence to Lepers? Or are they JUST. FUCKING. IDIOTS.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, this whole drama about the health care plan just pisses me off. I just watched a report on FOX about the DC rally, and they were talking about the 'demographics of the protesters'. And while the one dumb fuck kept talking about 'oh they are young and old and blah blah blah' he failed to realize that with all the pictures and video footage - EVERYONE IS WHITE. Because the only people who are protesting are white - mainly male - and mainly upper middle class. Because THEY dont have to worry about paying the high bills that come in from seeing a doctor.

    Honestly, thank god I am still living in ny. If I was in DC with you guys, Id be calling to help bail me out of jail for punching a number of people....
